Love, Individually
God and Your Personality
by Tim Walker
“Are they twins?” It’s the one question I get asked the most when I’m out with my family. And yes, I do have identical twin boys, so I guess it’s a valid question. Sometimes, when I’m in a prime smart-aleck mode, I want to reply, “No, they just look alike, have the same birthday, and are exactly the same age. Isn’t that amazing?” But I resist the urge, most of the time.
People always react in one of two ways with twins. There are the people who always wanted twins. They think twins are the greatest thing in the world. And then there are people who are a little unnerved by them. They see two kids who appear the same and back off, like it’s some kind of cloning experiment.
However people react, they usually all have one thing in common—they merge my two boys into one person called “the twins.” It just makes it easier that way. They don’t have to remember who is who.
But as their dad, I don’t see them as “the twins.” They are Hamilton and Bryce to me. I can tell them apart. I spend a lot of time with them, and I see beyond the fact that they are twins.
One likes Batman, the other likes Superman. One likes to talk a lot, the other talks only when he has something to say. One is fearless, the other holds back. One loves to go places, the other just wants to stay home. One likes to do things by himself, the other always wants someone around. One would eat peanut butter and jelly every day at every meal, the other will eat whatever you put in front of him.
And sometimes they even like to shake things up and not be so predictable. In other words, they are just as simple and complex as the rest of us are.
Though we all have the same common need for God, it shows up in different ways based on where the emptiness in our own lives resides. Maybe right now you need God to be your Father, a husband, a Savior, a forgiver, a companion. Maybe you just need Him to be closer than ever. But in one way or another, you need Him in some specific ways.
We all have the same basic emotional needs—to be loved, to be trusted, to be supported. But God gladly meets those needs in different ways in each of our lives. Likewise, we all have the same passions—to love God and to love others. But the people God places in our path sometimes require us to love and serve them differently.
For us, it’s a process. Sometimes I know my sons very well, other times I’m discovering new things about them. But God already knows.
With all of the mass of humanity, sometimes it’s easy to think that God sees us as just another face in the crowd. But He doesn’t. He knows the hairs on my head and the intricacies of your DNA. He sees beyond the labels people try to stick on you. He knows the things that really make you . . . well, you.
I love my sons not because they are twins. I love them because of who they each are, and also because they’re mine. It’s the way God loves you, too.