
Welcome to indeedmagazine.org

Maybe you’re a seasoned church and Bible study member and feel that you’ve heard it all before. Or perhaps you’re just passionate about diving into a deeper relationship with God. Indeed will help you see old truths in a new light and draw you closer to the One your soul was made for.

Indeed magazine is a devotional designed to “explore the heart of God.” On this site, you’ll find articles that probe the depths of His Word and your call to follow Him with your whole being. There’s also a discussion guide for small group leaders, sample devotional readings, the editor’s blog, and some resources we recommend for further study. Enjoy exploring the site—and your Father’s heart.



Relentless Persistence—It had been more than a month since the crew had seen land, and many of them were trying to figure out a way to turn the ships around and sail back to Spain. The admiral kept them from mutiny by holding out hope. . .

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Descent to the Heights—At the north end of the Dead Sea basin, on the Jordan side of the Jordan River, is a partially excavated area where John the Baptist spent much of his ministry. It doesn’t look like much . . .

Read the Blog


Give a Gift that Lasts All Year

Looking for a way to get God's Word into your life daily? Indeed has produced five devotional books that are popular items at any time of year. And there's always the option of a gift subscription to the magazine for others in your life who also need a steady diet of scriptural insights. Click on the following images for more details:


1Y-AHF 1Y-WWG 1Y-WTK 1Y-WOC pocket-devos




Sample a week of insightful daily readings from indeed magazine.
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Leader's Discussion Guides

Want to go deeper? Questions for small groups or personal study are in indepth, the free discussion guide for the magazine.
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Recommended Resources

We’ve found these resources to be helpful. Hope you do too.
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